
All prices shown are in KM (convertible marks) with VAT included.
Internist exam with ECG 60,00
Control exam  40,00
Cardiologist/gastroenterologist/neurologist/psychyatrist exam 80,00
Endocrinologist exam 100,00
Endocrinologist control exam 50,00
Consultation 40,00
Gastroscopy 130,00
Colonoscopy 230,00
Rectoskopy 100,00
Rectosigmoidoscopy 160,00
Mucose sample taking 50,00
Patohistology 100,00
Liver biopsy 500,00
Polipectomy – 1 polip 500,00
Polipectomy – additional polip 200,00
Peritonealna punkcija 450,00
HP pronto dry bioptic test 80,00
Analgosedation 120,00
Echocardiography 80,00
Dobutamin stres – echocardiograohy 250,00
Contrast echocardiography 250,00
Transesophageal echocardiography with analgosedation 400,00
Echo imaging  of abdomen 50,00
Echo imaging of liver, gall bladder, pancreas 30,00

Echo imaging of kidneys,urine bladder, prostate/pelvis

Echo imaging of thyroid gland 30,00
Echo imaging of breast 50,00
Echo imaging of neck 70,00
Echo imaging of joint 70,00
Colour-doppler of leg blood vessels 100,00
Colour doppler ožf neck arteries/TCD 80,00
Punction/blokade 200,00
PRP therapy 400,00
Mamography 70,00
One X ray image 40,00
Two and more X-ray images 30,00/image
Denzitometry 80,00
3D mamography/tomosintesis 150,00
Lab.tests: SE,TBC,DBC,glucose, creatinin, urea,AST, ALT, CK, cholesterol, triglicerids, total proteins, albumin, globulin, Na,K,Ca, Mg, PO4,Cl, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin,HDL,LDL,VLDL 5,00/analyse
TBC with DBC and eosinophils 20,00
Alpha-amylase, pankreatic alpha-amylase,
Pi, feritin, troponin I, troponin T, myoglobin 30,00/analyse
HgA1C, fruktosamin, CK-MB 30,00/analyse
HIV ½ test/Hepatitis B, hepatitis C markers,
TPHA, Helicobacter pylori test , virus  serological tests
IgG/IgM serological COVID-19 test 50,00
DHEA-Androstendion 80,00
OGTT without insulinemia 40,00
OGTT eith insulinemia 160,00
Tumor markers (per test) : AFP, CEA,
CA-15-3, CA-19-9, tireoglobulin
S100/NSE 100,00
D vitamin 70,00
Gluten, homocistein 60,00/analyses
FT3,FT4,TSH / insulin / C-peptid / folati / SBHG / IgE 40,00/analyse
Parathormon / B-12vitamin / growth hormon/ ACTH/blood group i Rh / kalcitonin 50,00/analyse
TSH, prolactin, kortisol, HCG, testosteron, FSH,LH,estradiol, progesteron 20,00/analyse
PSA 20,00
PSA/fPSA, D-dimer, HpIgA 50,00
Cistatin C 50,00
Anti-TGB, anti-TPO antitijela 40,00/analyse
anti-CCP 70,00
RF, ASTO, CRP 20,00/analyse
Price with 20-30% discount
MSCT of head/neck/paranasal sinuses/spine-one region */** 200,00
MSCT of thorax/abdomen/pelvis */** 200,00
CT angiography/colonography */** 450,00
CT coronarography */** 600,00
*/aplication of ocntrast is not included in price  1,00/1ml
**/3D reconstruction is not included in price 50,00
aplication of iv therapy for heart rhytham regulation 40,00

*Remark: definite price can vary depending on extension of imaging and is define after performed consultation/exam

MRI 1,5 Tesla with 30-40% discount
MRI of cervical or thoracal or lumbal spine/head/paranasal sinuses/neck/thorax/abdomen/pelvis/MRCP  250,00
MRA 100,00
MRI arteriography/venography/aortography 420,00
MRI colonoscopy 420,00
Whole spine MRI (cervical, thoracal, lumbal) 500,00

MRI 3 Tesla with 30-40% discount

MRI of cervical or thoracal or lumbal spine/head/paranasal sinuses/neck/thorax/abdomen/pelvis/MRCP  300,00
MRA 150,00
MRI of one joint (shoulder, elbow, knee,...) 350,00
MRI aortography/arteriography/venography 560,00
MRI of heart 500- 700,00
MRI of whole spine (cervical, thoracala, lumbal) 600,00
MRI of two joints 500,00
Whole body MRI 1200,00
*/in price is not included aplication of iv contrast 10,00/ml
**/in price is not included 3D reconstruction 50,00
UZ kolor dopler vena i arterija nogu s konsultacijom 100,00
CT venografija 450,00
Venografija (C-luk) 780,00
UGFS tretman VSM ili VSP jedne noge s 3 kontrolna pregleda 1200,00
UGFS tretman VSM ili VSP obje noge s 3 kontrolna pregleda 2000,00
UGFS tretman jednog perforatora s 1 kontrolnim pregledom 700,00
UGFS manjih ekstrafascijskih varikoziteta (miniUGFS) 400,00
Dodatni UGFS tretman 200,00
Minisklerozacije/laserski tretman/RF kapilara/po tretmanu 200,00
Operacija vena laserom (EVLA) jedne noge (VSM ili VSP) 2000,00
Operacija vena laserom (EVLA), dvije noge ili VSM+VSP na istoj nozi 3000,00
Endovenska radiofrekventna ablacija (EVRFA) jedna noga (VSM ili VSP) 2500,00
Endovenska radiofrekventna ablacija (EVRFA) dvije noge ili VSM+VSP na istoj nozi 3500,00
Limfnodrenažni tretman 30min 50,00
Limfnodrenažni tretman 60min 80,00
Medicinske čarape 150,00
Ultrasound treatment of one region 30,00
Masage of one region 30,00
Electroterapy of one region 30,00
Physiotherapy (termo, sono, elektro, magneto, kinezy) 70,00
Dekompression trakcion terapy 80,00
Lymphodrainage 30min 50,00
Lymphodrainage 60min 80,00
Haemorrhoids surgery classical 2.500,00
Haemorrhoids surgery with laser/radiofrekvency 3.000,00
Laparascopy of abdomena 3.000,00
Laser ablation of thyroid nodes                                                                                     1500- 3.000,00
Surgery of abdominal hernia 2.500,00
Aplication of periradikular, transforaminal and epidural therapy under C-arm, US or CT control 400,00
Hospital day 250,00
Anesthesia 150,00/h
Preoperative exam 190,00
Pathohistogy 250,00